I did realize today just how much my baby boy differs from when Eliza was a baby his age. With Eliza, I could sit her up with a big ol' stack of books and she would be content "reading" for close to an hour. With Reid? Negative. I sit him up with a big ol' stack of books and toys and within nano-seconds he is rolling and doing that adorable army crawl towards something he shouldn't be touching. Already. At 10 months. I am nervoussss.
With Eliza I could sit her in her highchair and feed her the baby food veggies and she would take her dainty bites and be ok with it. With Reid? He takes a bite of veggies and makes gagging noises and proceeds to spit it out at me.
Having said that, I am sure my little boy is going to be a heck of a lot easier for me in the long run because E sure knows how to give me a run for my money with that four year old attitude she's got. You know the one. Hands on hips, sauntering down the hall, slamming her bedroom door kinda attitude. "You're mean Mommy!" I've got a feeling Reid is going to be a chill little boy for his mommy.
Here he is with his big sis in the tubby tonight. He got to use his new bath chair and let me just say he was LOVING that thing. Splashing and laughing his head off like I've never seen him do before. A-dorable.
Note to self...Looks like a must have purchase!