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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bieber Fever

I've got stuff tosay repeat. I was thinking about this a lot the past month. Things that my hilarious seven year old first graders say. Things that my 15 4 year old daughter says. And I am sure once Reid begins talking, I'll have a boatload of adorable baby boy quotes to share with you all. But let's just get started with me eavesdropping on my students during snack yesterday. Here's a little tidbit into their conversation.
"Anna". "I LOVE Justin Beeper.
"Eddie". "It's not Justin BEEPER! Hahahaha. It's Justin BEAVER!". You thought it was BEEPER! Hahahaha! You don't even know what you're talking about!"
And that, my friends, is the kind of conversation I get to overhear all. day. long. That one in particular made me chuckle. It took all my might not to turn around and kneel down and yell "It's Bieber you guys! Don't you know that! Duh!"

I mean, come ON. Beaver?


  1. so excited for this blog! can't wait for more "turkey rollup" 15-year old comments from e and definitely can't wait for reidle's first words! xoxo

    love trace

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is so FUN! I can't wait for more blog posts! You are so adorable for sharing your funny stories and cute moments both at home and work! I bet you'll find more mommies relating to your stories than you realized!! Thanks for sharing!!

    p.s. Is it bad that this whole time I thought it was was Justin "Beaver" too??! Ooops!
