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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Blues.........and Other Randomness

I finished all my lesson plans today, which only took about 6 hours. And now I am done with just enough time to pack up E's lunch, R's baby bag and get myself ready for a cup of tea and if I can stay awake, a show or two. Nerd alert. Oh. Did you know that I can now recite the entire Stuart Little movie? Well, I learned from E. She has watched this movie 25,672 times since she got it (last weekend) and she lets me know all of her favorite lines. Which is pretty much the whole thing. Her favorite line? When the cat tells Stuart "Read my furry pink lips....NO!". Trust me, it's funnier when she says it.

I'm spending this week teaching all about Martin Luther King, Jr. and am excited. It's one of my favorite units to teach because the children are in such awe about how people were treated; they become so engaged in the stories. I'm going to read:

Mondays are my LONG day. Longest. Day. Ever. Because I have no planning period. And if you are a teacher, you know this means you kinda dread the day. You know you've got nothing except your 45 minutes of lunch time in which you don't even spend it eating. That's when you better make sure you have everything set up and ready for the rest of the day and fight someone at he copy machine for a copy you forgot to make. Oh and take a bathroom break. So as if Sunday nights aren't hard enough already, I look forward to being on my feet for the entire day. Not that I am complaining...

Lastly, I am loving my new pottery barn toy storage boxes I ordered for Reid's room. They were a steal! I ordered two stackable ones. I love finding a good sale.

1 comment:

  1. i love the new background! maybe i will jazz my weightloss weekly up too. how come i don't get an email or something when you post something new?

    anyway, i don't know how you do everything you do, i hope i can be as motivated when i have kids!
