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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day!

It's completely fine that I ate the school nachos for lunch today. Cold and thick cheese sauce and all. And it's completely fine that I had to look at the bum crack of one particular student all day long. And it's also completely fine that my beautiful baby boy decided to show me he was not a fan of pasta primavera baby food by spitting out a huge, clumpy, orange mouthful onto my sweater. Ya wanna know why it's all fine? Because I was told at 1pm today that tomorrow is... (cue the drumrolls) A SNOW DAY! So I get to spend the day catching up on my plans and correcting lounging on the couch with my girl E watching movies with m&m popcorn and brownies. So I'm like 10 kinds of excited and have this overly sense of calm (literally before the storm) right now. Normally by now I would have the entire kitchen cleaned up from dinner, clothes picked up, bags packed for tomorrow, and kiddos getting ready for bed. But tonight? Well I'm just enjoying the relaxation that is about to take place with this girl. Glass of wine? Don't mind if I do. Though the dirty dishes in the sink will just HAVE to be done before I can do so. Have you tried this spicy nacho popcorn? Cause I'm about to! My snack and drink of choice tonight.

And I'll leave you with a picture of my little stinker who I found lying in his crib staring at his crib aquarium that he managed to pull down.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite two words in this post: "bum crack". 'nuff said! -K
