I'm ALL SET with mittens. Mitten weather, technically! We need some sun and warmth this way ASAP. I am not sure how much more of this statment, "I have NOTHING to do!" I can take. I would give anything to be sitting outside pushing Reid on a swing while watching Eliza draw with chalk in the driveway. ANYTHING. In due time, I know, I know. I wonder if I'd appreciate the warm weather as much if I lived down South? Yes, yes I would. In fact I am so sick of snow and this ridiculously cold weather that I am about ten seconds from booking a one way trip to Florida. I think they need First Grade teachers, no? However, the cold weather DOES allow for some insanely cute hats to place atop my baby boy's head. This one is from Papa and Por Por. Is he not the cutest? And, he's like, so completely fine with driving around in a pink flowered carseat.

And speaking of mittens, I did a whole unit on mittens this week in school and so I repeat, I am all set with mittens. We read lots of stories about mittens, completed graphing activities with mittens, described mittens while learning about adjectives, and more. They loved one story "The Missing Mitten Mystery" by Steven Kellog and we made these adorable story element mittens. Aren't they cute?

Well since good old Puxatawny Phil did not see his shadow (for once, and only because he couldn't get himself out from under the snow probably) then Spring should be here soon and I can pack away any and all things mitten related. :)