We spent last week learning all about symbols of America and George Washington/Abraham Lincoln in school. It was a lot of work and a lot of fun. The kiddos made Statue of Liberty projects, bald eagles, Liberty Bells and American Flags. They drew pencil drawings of each president and wrote a riddle about one of their choice. And a LOT more. Phew! Here are some pictures of our hard work.
Oh yes, one more thing. I could not leave this blog post without letting you know that at some point during the week Ms. Hager and I noticed a student with some pretty thick silver earrings. Oh wait. They weren't earrings. They were in fact, index card rings. You know, the kind you can buy at Staples that you can put like 100 index cards on and flip through? Yes, these thick beauties were through her earring holes making them pretty scary red. You can't make this stuff up. Needless to say I made